[Amps] LDG AT-100AMP

Alek Petkovic vk6apk at bigpond.com
Mon Jun 3 04:56:44 EDT 2013

No. But I'm gonna try it. I have one in an amp under construction.

If its no good, I'll repack it into a robust, weatherproof box or tube 
and stick a 10ft stainless whip out the top and use it as an auto tune 
hf antenna, mounted on the roo bar of my vehicle that I take fishing on 
the beach. ('86 Landcruiser)

I reckon it will work really well in that application. Iim almost hoping 
that it won't suit the amp. Work some dog xray when the fish ain't bitin'.

73, Alek.

PS: Wanna know what a roo bar is?
and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullbar

On 1/06/2013 10:44 PM, Bill Smith wrote:
> Anyone using the LDG AT-100AMP in their amplifiers?
> 73,
> Bill Smith KO4NR
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 From sunny Binningup, Western Australia.

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