[Amps] Advice needed for SS amp

Bill Turner dezrat1242 at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 6 00:51:58 EDT 2013

ORIGINAL MESSAGE:          (may be snipped)

On Wed, 5 Jun 2013 21:24:25 -0700, Dan wrote:

>That means that (best case, 60% efficiency) you need to plan to
>dissipate roughly 1000 watts out of an area of 2.5 square inches.
>That is a serious cooling problem, to say the least.  The problem
>isn't so much getting rid of the heat at the end of the process, it is
>getting the heat out of the die and into the heat spreader, and then
>through the heat spreader and into the heat sync or water cooling
>                  ***dan, K6IF


Absolutely right. If anything kills the project, it will probably be cooling
issues. Silicon is more fragile than glass and metal. Sigh.....

73, Bill W6WRT

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