[Amps] The Pin One Problem

Vic K2VCO k2vco.vic at gmail.com
Fri Jun 7 11:09:36 EDT 2013

How about "broken shield problem"?

At least that relates to the essence of the problem, which is that the shield isn't 
continuous, not a pin number, which is arbitrary.

On 6/6/2013 11:51 PM, Ian White wrote:
> K9YC wrote:
>> When you invent, create, or discover something, you get to name it.
> Would that would be "Brown's Law"?  I'm sorry, Jim, but it just ain't
> so.
> We all understand your personal respect for Neil Muncie, but there are
> other overriding priorities such as respect for truth and accuracy.
> It is only justifiable to call this "the Pin 1 problem" where that name
> accurately applies: specifically to Pin 1 of an XLR connector in the pro
> audio industry. But this problem extends far beyond the area where it
> was originally identified by Neil Muncie. It is no disrespect to insist
> that the more generic problem needs a better name.
> Calling it the "Pin 1" problem in situations where it simply isn't pin
> 1, and even where there isn't a connector at all, is a deliberate
> falsehood which misdirects and confuses people. It can only be
> understood by someone who is already initiated into the secret. At so
> many different levels, that is simply A Wrong Thing To Do.
> We badly need a short GENERIC name that accurately indicates the nature
> of the problem. That won't be easy to find, but it is something we can
> work on. Calling it the "Pin 1 problem" simply isn't good enough.
> 73 from Ian GM3SEK
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Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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