[Amps] The Pin One Problem is NOT Common Impedance Coupling

Carl km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Sat Jun 8 16:18:31 EDT 2013

Jim Brown has ridiculed my suggestion that the 'Pin 1' problem is a subset 
of the 'Common Impedance Coupling' problem. Strangely enough, this has not 
best pleased me, and I have in no way changed my opinion.

Jim now categorically states that "The Pin One Problem is NOT Common 
Impedance Coupling".

In 2003 Jim presented a paper entitled " ... Common Impedance Coupling (the 
"Pin 1 Problem") ... ".

One or both of these positions are incorrect. Perhaps Jim could do me the 
courtesy of explaining which?

73 Roger

Are you really surprised Roger? Any Jim watcher has seen this before as he 
swings whatever way others tell him to.


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