[Amps] Monitoring temperature

Tom Thompson tlthompson at qwest.net
Sun Jun 9 16:19:29 EDT 2013

Hi Bill,

I used the LM35A on my solid state kilowatt and solid state 600 watt 
amplifiers.  With the proper filtering it works fine.  Here is a circuit 
from my web site.

73,   Tom   W0IVJ

On 6/9/2013 1:04 PM, Bill Turner wrote:
> I would appreciate any suggestions for monitoring temperature on a solid
> state power amp. I have used the LM34 with success in the past, but not in
> the presence of strong RF fields. After all, it is a diode, sort of.  :-)
> The thing I like about it is it reads out directly in mV per degree, so no
> calibration is necessary. Just connect a meter of the appropriate scale and
> off you go.
> It would work fine while not transmitting of course, so one option is to
> apply power only during receive but I'd prefer to have it on all the time.
> Are there any thermistors or related products which are not sensitive to RF?
> Something which can be fastened to the heatsink and read remotely?  Any
> drawbacks to them?
> All ideas appreciated.
> 73, Bill W6WRT
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