[Amps] spray on paint

Paul Decker kg7hf at comcast.net
Tue Jun 11 12:13:52 EDT 2013

The ceramic chip and spray paint wasn't very well thought out.

What gave me the idea is that I use copper based paint as bottom paint on my fiberglass boat.  I know there is some sort of capacitance between internal systems and the copper paint through the hull (as well as interaction with dissimilar metals)

The other thing that gave me the idea is that we have some plates which are painted with gold paint and are very interesting when you place them in the microwave oven, you see nice sparks from the lines of the paint while the china does not seem to be affected.

But I'm fairly certain the copper based bottom paint is conductive and my "low tek" solution would be to simply have small ceramic chips dipped or sprayed with the paint.

One paint candidate may be:   http://www.mgchemicals.com/products/protective-coatings/emi-rfi-shielding/super-shield-silver-copper-843/

As far as ceramic chips, I was originally thinking of a "roll your own" solution, take your xyl's nice fine china place and "oops" now you have lots of chips.


Amps] Advice needed for SS amp  Message-ID: <51B62207.2020801 at ludens.cl>  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed	Paul,	> I missed much of the thread on making capacitors, but what about  > using ceramic "chips" and copper spray?	I assume that with "copper spray" you mean some sort of conductive paint   containing copper flakes? I don't think this would have enough   conductivity to carry large RF current. Or do you mean something different?	And ceramic "chips"? I frankly don't know what you mean! Well, some   thin, stable, low loss ceramic wafers would indeed be good candidates   for metallization by some means, but where do you get any?	Manfred	  ========================  Visit my hobby homepage!  http://ludens.cl  ========================	  ------------------------------	Message: 3  Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 23:19:54 -0700  From: "kEN Goss"   To:   Subject: [Amps] meters  Message-ID: <000001ce666b$b0dc6250$129526f0$@net>  Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"	Do still stock and or sell plate meter for the sb 220		 Ken	La  ki5hq		------------------------------	Subject: Digest

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