[Amps] Radio Theory and Construction Workshop
Fuqua, Bill L
wlfuqu00 at uky.edu
Thu Jun 20 12:34:02 EDT 2013
Please email, if you intend to come to the class at WA4LAV at ARRL.NET.
The Radio Theory and Construction Workshop will meet Saturday, June 22, 2013
in the basement of the Red Cross Building at 1450 Newtown Pike, Lexington,
KY. The basement entrance is on the Left side of the building if you are
looking at the front (Newtown Pike side) of it.The Workshop will begin at
1:00PM and continue until 3:00PM. This workshop is for anyone who is
interested in the subject of radio theory or construction. Anyone may join
the workshop at any time. This workshop does not really have a beginning or
an end. It is a continuing effort to help those that are interested in
knowing more about the internal workings of radios (receivers, transmitters
and antennas) and/or building them. A ham license is not required and there
are no age restrictions. I encourage young students to participate.
Participants will have to obtain their own tools and they will need to
purchase a beginner's radio kits. The Bluegrass Amateur Radio Society's
Youth Education Program (Y.E.P.) can provide young students up thru the 12th
grade books, kits, tools and parts at no cost. If you wish to join our
workshop please e-mail me so that I can add you to our list. I have a short
questionnaire to get some information about your interest, experience and
knowledge level. If you cannot be contacted by e-mail call me in the evening
at (859) 272-9523 and I will add you to a phone list. This is necessary
because we do not hold the workshop every weekend due to other obligations,
vacation, hamfest and license exam sessions. Also, I have to make up parts
and tool kits for each student.
73 Bill wa4lav Email: WA4LAV at ARRL.net or wlfuqu00 at uky.edu
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