[Amps] Using old amps on WARC query

Pete N4KW n4kwpete at centurylink.net
Sun Jun 30 09:09:58 EDT 2013

I have an old Alpha 78, one in the same as the 76 except for the "Bandpass 
tuning" I believe.  My 78 works fine on 18 meters using the manual tuning 
and bandswitch on 21 mhz.
73 Pete N4KW

> Please anyone can tell me the factors to consider, including burning tank 
> components, when operating old linear amplifiers on the WARC bands, 
> especially 12 meters.
> Alpha 76 PAC meaning the 3 tube version.
> TenTec Titan One
> Dentron DTR-2000
> All these amps have factory-type conversions to TEN meters already done. 
> The Alpha has the swamping input taken out.  Other than that, all amps are 
> stock.
> Thanks for all specific info... 73,
> Charles Harpole
> k4vud at hotmail.com
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