[Amps] Chimney Material

Dan Simmonds info at dedicatedrf.com
Fri Mar 1 11:44:34 EST 2013

Hi Joe,

I've been using high-temp (500 Deg F) red silicone turbocharger hose 
material for this. It comes in a 36" length and you can just cut it with 
a sharp knife to any length. Makes a nicer / rounder chimney than gluing 
a sheet together at a seam.

List of diameters is here:  http://tinyurl.com/dxkeg5n

P/N EH22754 fits perfectly around an 8877.

Dan  KK3AN

Joseph W. Morgan wrote:
> What are the sheets of red material that I see in some amps wrapped around
> the tubes as chimneys?

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