[Amps] What Old Amp to Buy?

Roger (K8RI) k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Tue Mar 12 15:52:46 EDT 2013

On 3/12/2013 2:01 PM, k6ye at q.com wrote:
> Pete,
> Dentron is a nice choice. Others would be Ameritron AL-82, Kenwood TL-922, and Drake L-7. I am currently running a Kenwood TL-922, Alpha 91B, and an Ameritron ALS-600. I am trading the Ameritron for a Drake L-4B as soon as the guy gets here.
> Good luck in your quest.

I agree with the Cliperton L choice.  Simple, works well, and relatively 
inexpensive.  You might want to add a tuned input if it doesn't have one.

Only problem I saw was on some models the coax from the tank circuit to 
the relay had a solid dielectric and would  sometimes melt and short out 
where it went under a bulkhead


Roger (K8RI)

> Semper Fi,
> Tommy - K6YE
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Pete Smith N4ZR <n4zr at contesting.com>
> To: Amps at contesting.com
> Sent: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 07:12:57 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: [Amps] What Old Amp to Buy?
> With Dayton 2 months away, I'm pondering whether to try to buy an
> amplifier in the flea market, in order to add 160M QRO to my
> repertoire.  If you were looking, what would you be looking for?  Don't
> have bags of money, and am very happy with my SB-220, so maybe I should
> leave well-enough alone?
> What would you do?

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