[Amps] chassis maker?

pulsarxp at embarqmail.com pulsarxp at embarqmail.com
Fri May 3 23:39:31 EDT 2013

I think what Dick had in mind was a company similar to the one Charles Byers 
owned and ran.  That is, a small metal shop where one could have a thick 
chassis built to your dimensions.  Charles offered such a service, produced 
the product promptly, charged a modest price and did good work.  Charles was 
not put out to do just one special chassis.  (He didn't make complex 
cabinets).  He bent metal.  This was a cottage industry for him and he was a 
ham.  Both WA5VGO and I used him for projects from time to time.  WA5VGO 
used him to build a bunch of chassis for his complex double conversion 
receivers and also for some nice 100 watt type transmitters.  I used him for 
some Paraset boxes as well as for my Philmore NT-200 clone projects. 
Charles was always eager to help by building the chassis you wanted.  He was 
not into machined and milled cabinets.

With so much small lot production done off shore these days,  it seems most 
small lot machine shops have gone extinct.  They sure have dried up around 
here in Houston, Texas.  I too would like to find a replacement small 
company who could generate needed small metal work for single ham radio 
projects.  I also have a friend here in Houston who constantly builds tube 
HI-Fi Amplifiers and he has a hard time getting chassis too.  I know he uses 
someone in Florida, but he needs to buy 50 at a time of any he wants built. 
If you try and build an amp, transmitter, or receiver today containing a few 
transformers, you may as well forget Bud or Hammond as the metal is so thin 
it can't handle the weight unless you put in a lot of time "beefing" up the 
thin chassis.  TenTec does a great job in a big way with nice cabinets  at 
reasonable prices but there product line is fixed and their line is mostly 
cabinets and not chassis.

Anyone out there know of a replacement company for Charles Byers?

Lee, w0vt

-----Original Message----- 

>>> So, some us used to use Charlie Byers, K3IWK, for our various aluminum 
>>> box
>>> and chassis special needs.
>>> He did a nice job and was very easy to work with.
>>> Unfortunately, he became a silent key all too soon.
>>> I am unaware of other such sources.
>>> Do any of you builders have suggestions?
>>> Thank you.
>>> Dick, K5AND
>>> Austin, Tx



Gary K9GS

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