[Amps] chassis maker?

Tom WA9WSJ wa9wsj at yahoo.com
Sat May 4 13:34:04 EDT 2013

Hellow Gents,
Back in the 70's there was a company which sold what was called "Dosy Boxes". The chassis was made out of steel as was the perforated and black wrinkle pained cover. They had a type of protruding cowling to the front. Not a bad design at all.
They were great to build stuff into. 
Doing a search for them only brings up a site or two about cb type accessory equipment.
I've tried twice to contact them about buying the basic chassis but they won't reply.
Anyone have a further line on this type of box?

>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> So, some us used to use Charlie Byers, K3IWK, for our various
>>>>> aluminum box
>>>>> and chassis special needs.
>>>>> He did a nice job and was very easy to work with.
>>>>> Unfortunately, he became a silent key all too soon.
>>>>> I am unaware of other such sources.
>>>>> Do any of you builders have suggestions?
>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>> Dick, K5AND
>>>>> Austin, Tx
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