[Amps] AL1500 band switch replacement

Dick Hanson dick at dkhanson.com
Fri May 24 10:02:10 EDT 2013


I'm in the midst of replacing the band switch, but have run into an
unexpected issue.
The amp, SN642, seems to have had a different 'middle' wafer than the new
replacement that was shipped from Ameritron.
The old one had 7 'tabs' on towards the outside of the switch; the new one
only has 6.
So, the copper straps coming from the coils no longer line up in same

The old wafer appears to have been a 2 pole 6pos unit; the new one is also 2
poles and 6 pos, but wiper(s) seem to have been re-arranged.

Don't want to proceed until I have this sorted.

Have any of you been down this path before?

Dick, K5AND

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