[Amps] Has this SMPS got too much ripple for a SS bias supply?

Steve Thompson g8gsq72 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 2 14:34:34 EDT 2013

I imagine the bias circuit is probably active with a filtered and
decoupled reference so ripple on the raw input will be taken out.
Another option is that it's brute force biassing with a diode (or
CTC/Acrian Byistor) - in which case the ripple will have negligible
effect. I think Skanti will have done it better than the latter.
Either way, I'd go with your PSU and worry about changing it if anyone
can hear anything untoward. You won't be wiping the bands out.


>I have a Skanti commercial solid state 250W RF amp, 1 to 30 MHz. It
>needs 50 volts and 5 volts supplied to it. The 5 volts is for the bias
>circuits. I am told they draw about 3 amps maximum. I have a good
>quality regulated 4 amp SMPS at 5 volts. Here is a `scope screen shot
>of the ripple, measured without ground lead tails on the probe, direct
>across the output to minimize pick up. The dots are the cursors, it's
>an elderly Tek 7854 analogue `scope. Is this OK to use? Or do I build
>a linear regulated supply? Thanks.

>The `scope screen shot is at http://www.gatesgarth.com/ripple2.jpg  as
>I don't know how to upload a shot here.

       Best Regards,
                   Chris Wilson.

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