[Amps] From: "Manfred Mornhinweg" <manfred at ludens.cl>

Alf Pousar alf.pousar at surffi.net
Tue Oct 8 07:41:12 EDT 2013

you are absolute right, it was stupid of me to state "all".
Never say never!
Some specific electronics don't care about any rules or laws, including Ohms law.
As you know, SMPS that are sold to the broad public, and might be used in what ever applications
are isolated .
When it comes to radio amateurs applications, it's assumed the user know what hes doing.
That isn't allways the case.
We older hams remember the drawing in QST,
" Ground your equipment before it grounds you".

I have wisited your home page, and you have a lot of  "Bell laboratories" at your site.

73, Alf

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