[Amps] high voltage fuses

Richard Solomon dickw1ksz at gmail.com
Thu Oct 10 11:49:09 EDT 2013

There's a lot of HV fuses over on the "evil empire".

73, Dick, W1KSZ

On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 8:11 AM, Paul Christensen <w9ac at arrl.net> wrote:

> This also applies to the plate meter or any low-resistance current meter,
>> which nearly all of them are.
>> 73, Bill W6WRT
> Good info Bill -- and it's not a difficult exercise, beyond simple algebra
> to solve for the right series resistance value once the meter resistance is
> known or computed.
> To validate a DC meter's internal resistance, I still use the simple
> method described in a ca. 1950s Allied's Electronics Data Handbook.  It
> always brings me back to my high school days when as students, we were
> tasked to find a DC meter's resistance.  First thought for the unknowing:
>  just grab a <gasp!> Simpson 260 set on the Rx1 scale!  The instructor
> stopped us in time.  Anyway, that same math will also prove why sensitive
> moving coils are subject to failure without the limiting resistor.
> Paul, W9AC
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