[Amps] Electrical Distribution Methods

Chris Wilson chris at chriswilson.tv
Fri Oct 18 07:32:59 EDT 2013

On Fri, 18 Oct 2013 04:16:38 -0700, you wrote:

>##  In the UK you have both an UN balanced primary....and  an UN balanced sec.     The grnded
>side of the pri..is bonded to the grnded side of the sec.   Same deal, if a pri to sec short in the xfmr
>ever happened.... u have a path for fault current..and the HV fuse simply blows open.   You don’t
>want 12.5 kv or 14.4 kv or any HV  coming into the home.   
>Jim  VE7RF 

I would have thought you, of all people, might have liked high current
HV coming into the home? ;)

Thanks for the info re the QRO low pass filters Jim, in my post


             Best Regards,
                       Chris Wilson.

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