[Amps] HV fuses

Jim Garland 4cx250b at miamioh.edu
Thu Oct 24 19:58:13 EDT 2013

Out of curiousity, I bought several 900 mA/5 KV fuses from an eBay Chinese
supplier. They arrived today. They fit fine into 3AG fuse clips, but are
about 50% longer. Internally they have a spring connected to the fuse link
which pulls the connection apart when the fuse opens. If they work, they're
pretty cool. and VERY inexpenisve.  I'm wondering why one couldn't parallel
two or three of them to multiply the current rating?  Assuming they're
reasonably well matched, so that the current divides equally among the
fuses, it would be a very compact and inexpensive HV protection circuit. I
would mount fuse clips on a piece of G10 circuit board and mount the
assembly on ceramic standoffs. When one fuse opened up, all would open up,
but replacing three fuses would cost  only a dollar or so. I'll test some of
the fuses ( I bought twenty) to see how accurate their current rating is.  I
have no convenient way to test their HV rating, but I'd use them only at
2500V in my dhomebrew amplifier.


Jim W8ZR

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