[Amps] HV fuses
Roger (K8RI)
k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Sun Oct 27 01:13:16 EDT 2013
On 10/27/2013 12:54 AM, Jim Thomson wrote:
> Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 05:38:56 +0000
> From: "Fuqua, Bill L" <wlfuqu00 at uky.edu>
> To: Jim Garland <4cx250b at miamioh.edu>, "Amps at contesting.com"
> <Amps at contesting.com>
> Subject: Re: [Amps] HV fuses
> This does not sound right. I assume you are saying that they are glass fuses.
> I suspect if you blow one in a HV powe rsupply it will shatter or explode into pieces if
> you have a reasonable value of filter capacitor. Do you have a data sheet on these
> fuses?
High voltage fuses can be glass or ceramic. Even the high voltage fuses
in power substations are often glass. The only ones I've seen were
about 4" in diameter 1/4" to 5/16ths " wall, and they appeared to be
about 16-18 inches long (Might have been 2 feet) . IIRC they had several
parallel elements and were packed with fine sand. The PS HV fuses had a
glass tube around a 1/4 to 5/16ths inch in diameter and were packed with
a very fine, white, quartz sand.
The engineers forgot to remove the shorting cables after we PM'd a sub.
those small, HV wires with about a #16 conductor vaporized so
violently there was not a sign of them left. The entire sub cabinet was
8' high X 12 ft wide X 6' deep were completely coated with a copper
film. The doors were about 3' wide , had an inch and a half formed edge
and were made of 1/8th inch steel. I was looking at the sub when it
blew. The center of those doors arched out between 1 and 2 feet.
It blew the fuses, but they remained in tact.
The cables feeding the subs were larger than 500 MCM, but I don't
remember the actual size.
Sure was loud, expensive, and embarrassing!
Roger (K8RI)
> 73
> Bill wa4lav
> ## why would they explode ? Mine don’t. The 50 ohm glitch R LIMITS the current..and the
> HV fuse INTERRUPTS the fault current. BTW, you always put the HV fuse B4
> the glitch R. Reason is, if the glitch was damaged, and dangling down onto the chassis, you
> want the HV fuse INBOARD of any glitch, so the fuse will open.
> Yes, you can parallel em for more current..and you can also series em for more HV.
> You can also wire em series-parallel for more current + Voltage.
> ## another useful place to insert a HV fuse is between EITHER plate xfmr secondary.....and the
> FWB or FWD. Then if any B+ shorts in the filter caps, or any problems inboard of the B+ fuse,
> then you are still protected. Dirt cheap insurance. I have seen the AC HV fuse blown open twice
> and the B+ HV fuse blown several times... while de-bugging a new hb RF deck.
> Later.... Jim VE7RF
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