[Amps] GS23B Plate load resistance for HF

Dave Trainor dave at n8zfm.com
Tue Oct 29 11:10:15 EDT 2013

I got a socket from a ham in Slovakia (Homemade), Branko S52V, and he did
a very nice job on the socket with copper finger stock. I attached a small
picture.  Have not yet of course used it but the tube fits very nicely and
while this socket would not be useful at VHF/UHF it should do very well on
HF. Nicest thing about it is that I did not have to make it as it looks
like it took some considerable effort.

73 - Dave N8ZFM

On 10/29/13 10:46 AM, "Alex Gavva" <ur4ll at ur4ll.net> wrote:

>Dave and All,
>GS23b is the greatest Russian tube, it is not so known as GS35b, GU74b
>or GU84b due to its socket, it is impossibly
>to find industrial ones and it is very hard to build GS23b quality socket.
>These tubes were wisely used in TV TXes on 400-600MHz, my friends , who
>worked there told  that these tubes easy worked 1.5-2 years there
>in cont, regime of course.
>Russian hams used these tubes on HF exeptionally rare, they had many
>other tubes with ready sockets ( GU43b, for example).
>More info abt GS23b efficiency  on 2m, 70 cm and 23cm you can find
>here:  http://www.nd2x.net/base-1.html
>Mats, KD5FZX  built 1kW 23cm PA with GS23b, but only 1 pcs form 5or 6pcs
>was able do it.
>  UR4LL QRO Parts :  www.ur4ll.net
>Dr Alex Gavva
>UR4LL, KO70xg
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