[Amps] MRFE6VP61K25HR6

qrv at kd4e.com qrv at kd4e.com
Wed Sep 18 20:21:24 EDT 2013


	Isn't the MRFE6VP61K25HR6 device rated only 20% duty
cycle, pulsed, at 1KW?

	What affordable device will actually do 1KW SSB (ICAS)
Output 1.8 - 30MHz on one of these boards?

	How clean would such an amp be?

	If one wants 1.2KW or better Output, and never have
to worry about losing a device, is the conservative path a
pair of these with a splitter-combiner?

	Power supplies are readily available and cheap but
when I was looking it seemed that the necessary switched
output filters are neither readily available nor much fun
to build.



> On Wed, 18 Sep 2013 14:30:55 -0400, Jim wrote:
>> I'm interested in a 1KW solid stare amp. I see an EBAY listing from4Z4RB
>> for a Single device 1KW LDMOS-FET Linear Amplifier Board, EBAY
>> 150951055048 . It is populated w/o the FET. Does anyone have any
>> experience with the board or the FET?
>> Thanks,
>> Jim (WA1GPO
> Very interesting. I see he has sold 32 of them already. Waiting to hear from
> users. Is there a downloadable copy of the manual?
> 73, Bill W6WRT


Thanks! & 73, KD4E.com

David Colburn - Nevils, Georgia USA

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