[Amps] The Sad State of QST

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Thu Sep 19 13:02:05 EDT 2013

On 9/19/2013 8:27 AM, Manfred Mornhinweg wrote:
> QST has dumbed down a lot lately. Technical articles fill only a few 
> pages in each issue, and the level of them tends to be very basic. 
> It's a far cry from the good old times when QST was filled almost from 
> start to end with construction articles for radio equipment. 

Not only that, but what little does get published is full of errors, 
misconceptions, and poor engineering. I grit my teeth at every issue.  
It's gotten so bad that almost the only trustworthy material is that 
authored by Ward Silver, N0AX.

73, Jim K9YC

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