[Amps] Re Direct rectification of AC mains to derive the amp, VDD, supply

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Fri Sep 20 22:10:31 EDT 2013

On 9/20/2013 8:33 AM, Carl wrote:
> So how do you filter out the harmonics? 

You don't. Proper wiring of both power and electronic systems prevents 
them from coupling into systems. One "proper" way is balanced 
connections for audio circuits. When unbalanced wiring is used, all 
interconnected equipment should be bonded together with short, fat 
copper, and should be powered from the same outlet (or outlets that 
share the same green wire back to the panel).

Another important element of "proper" is the power system itself, and 
the bonding of power system grounds to all other grounds in a facility 
(and which is also consistent with best engineering practice for 
lightning safety). In other words, you give that current a path that 
does not include your system wiring.

73, Jim K9YC

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