[Amps] ?Direct rectification of AC mains to drive the

Bill Turner dezrat1242 at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 29 21:20:00 EDT 2013

ORIGINAL MESSAGE:          (may be snipped)

On Sat, 28 Sep 2013 15:44:00 -0700, Jim wrote:

>##  There is NO difference in PF  between direct rectified and a xfmr!  It’s virtually
>impossible to try and implement PF correction with  either scheme...esp with ssb-cw 
>PF  is typ .85 to .90  with a high C filter..with or without Xfmr.  


That's kind of what I thought, so why did someone bring it up as soon as we
started talking about direct rectified supplies?

73, Bill W6WRT

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