[Amps] B&W PT-2500A on 10m?

Alek Petkovic vk6apk at bigpond.com
Thu Apr 3 18:08:54 EDT 2014

Perhaps they suggested the C1-L solution for the input tuning on 10m 
because the input capacitance of the tube/s is regarded as sufficient 
for C2 of the Pi circuit on that band.

73, Alek. VK6APK

On 4/04/2014 5:36 AM, bob wrote:
> I think we got off the rail a bit with respect to the history of the
> PT-2500A which has been discussed elsewhere at length.    While that is
> interesting, I need to get back the primary objective -
> What is the best way to get the stock amp back onto 10 meters???
> Thanks to both Dick W1KSZ and Tom W7WHY for responding with what turns out
> to be the same information (from separate sources, but same text) suggesting
> that only the 10m input need to be installed to get it working on 10m (a
> good thing).
> Both references suggest adding a single 133pf (100pf&  33pf in parallel) cap
> with a coil of 6t of 18ga wire, loose spaced (about 5/8" long ) on  .500"
> diameter.  However, this yields a C-L only solution for the tuned input.
> Yet, the schematic clearly shows a PI input network (C-L-C) for all the
> other bands where this article suggests a simple single C-L section (I have
> the original printed manual and schematics if anyone is interested, I have
> them on PDF soft form as well.)
> Any thoughts?
> Anyone recommend a PI (CLC) solution with values or have any idea of the
> factory update kit for 10m ?
> I am getting frustrated by some of the Pi matching calculators I have found
> on the web since I get rather large differences (20-100% diffs) in the
> calculated outputs from them with the same inputs, and because of that, I
> have little confidence in them.  This is rather surprising.
> I was using 50 ohms in,  and 60-65 ohms out (for a pair of 3-500Z's) for
> Rs/Rl respectively @ 28.5 mhz with a Q of 2 or 3.
> Any idea of jXL reactive component of the pair of tubes?
> Is my choice of 60-65 ohms fair for the input of the pair?
> What is my feeble mind doing wrong?
> Anyone got a spreadsheet or online calculator for input matching you have
> faith in?
> -bob
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