[Amps] 3-400Z question

KA4INM ka4inm at gmail.com
Sun Apr 13 14:21:44 EDT 2014

Jeff, 3-400Z tubes will work very well in a 6m amplifier. The only 
precaution is try to test them before committing to all the work needed 
to build  a new amplifier.
  If you plan ahead a bit, the amplifier could also accommodate a pair 
of  3-500Z tubes.
  Well wishes for a good outcome!

   Wash the tubes, polish them up then take some good pictures, don't 
forget the tripod.     (And use as camera)

  Gerald K5GW
     In a message dated 4/13/2014 11:55:15 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
jmwilaby at gmail.com writes:


I have a pair of Eimac 3-400Z tubes. Would these  tubes work well in a
grounded grid home brew amp for 6 meters SSB? I see  the tube specs on a
3-400Z is for class B or C. Just asking for some input,  thanks in advance.
   Ron  KA4INM - Youvan's corollary:
                 Every action results in unwanted side effects.

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