[Amps] low pass filter fail ;)
km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Mon Apr 28 19:34:10 EDT 2014
The most common cause Ive seen for filter problems is choosing the wrong cap
for the job such as one designed for industrial service and not RF. I still
see people using 60's TV doorknobs of 500pf 30-40KV in a 1500W + HF amp;
even in parallel they literally come apart.
Jims comment about parallel caps is also valid; my 3CX1000A7 1500W 2M amp
uses 6 100pf 7.5KV HT-58 size caps for the split plate line and has been
holding up fine for 25+ years with no tuning drift.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Thomson" <jim.thom at telus.net>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 5:33 PM
Subject: [Amps] low pass filter fail ;)
> Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 08:32:04 +0200
> From: peter chadwick <g8on at fsmail.net>
> To: Bill Turner <dezrat1242 at wildblue.net>, amps at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [Amps] low pass filter fail ;)
> With a VSWR of only 1.2:1, I wouldn't have thought it was too close to the
> cut off frequency. Passive LC filters (other than the absorptive types)
> work by having a high VSWR in the stop-band. According to the table in
> Geffe's book (Simplified Modern Filter Design), a VSWR of 1.22:1
> represents a ripple of 0.04dB. I would suspect a lossy capacitor - we
> don't know the details of the filter designs and exactly what the
> capacitor was, nor the power level. You can have some high currents at
> quite low power levels.
> vy 73
> Peter G3RZP
> ## 2m is 144-148 mhz. So where is the optimum cutoff freq ? Heck,
> even with a 200 mhz cutoff freq.... it will still kill the 2nd and up
> harmonics.
> Most of the problems I have had with LP filters for HF is the caps..and
> their current ratings. U are better off to use say 2 x 100 pf cap vs
> a single 200 pf cap.
> ## I have one of last built henry radio 10 kw HF LP filters..with 7-16
> dins on each end. They used a mess of 25 + 50 pf NPO caps...and all
> are HT-57 types.
> They used a single 50 pf at each connector ..and in the middle of the
> filter, between the 2 x .25” OD tubing coils, they used 8 x 25 pf
> doorknobs in parallel.
> Cut off was at aprx 33 mhz.
> ## HT-57 caps are rated for 15 kv...and in low values..are not only
> NPO..they also handle one helluva lot of current. LP Box was aprx 5.5
> inch square x 10-12 inches long.
> Of course on the lower freqs, like 160-12m..the size of the LP box
> becomes huge.
> ## Those 5 kw band pass filters made in the uk are slick. band pass is
> better than a LP. They were band pass on all HF bands except 160m.
> 160m is a LP.
> ## LP filters for VHF is not that big a deal. You can see the
> various LP filters available for 88-108 mhz FM broadcast. Those
> filters are available with any
> cut off freq u want..and any power rating too...like 25 watt up to the
> sky is the limit.
> Jim VE7RF
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