Jim W7RY w7ry at centurytel.net
Thu Dec 18 10:14:01 EST 2014

Is he (YOU) SURE it was parasitics?   More likely hot switching of the 
amplifier T/R relay. This causes LOTS of problems that folks THINK are 

After I install my QSK system into amplifiers, the arcing completely STOPS 
because the relays are no longer hot switched.

ALC overshoot spikes also cause arcing in amplifier capacitors.  Mostly 
Kenwood has ALC overshot including the TS-590S.

Although, the Icom IC7410 has ALC overshoot problems on SSB. Which is 
repaired by Icom for free. Although only the units made before mid 2014 are 

Jim W7RY

-----Original Message----- 
From: Bill and Liz
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2014 6:49 AM
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: [Amps] THE SKINNY ON MY AL-82

I recently tracked down the ham who had done work on my AL-82 as well as a 
second one purchased at the same time by another fellow who was forced by 
health out of ham radio.  I learned that right from the get go both amps had 
parasitic problems and hardly a day would go by without one or the other 
having an “event” (hence the original owner had two of them!).  These amps 
date from the 90s-perhaps they were of the initial design before changes 
started being made.

The Measures parasitic retro kits were installed in both amps and the 
problems immediately disappeared.  Both amps today have the same minor 
problem on 10M: extreme heating, discolouration and distortion of the 100 
ohm paralleled resistors in the suppressors but no parasitic events.

>From this information it would appear that I would not be wise to re-install 
the original suppressors, and, since I seldom run the amp over 400W on 10M 
anyhow, that I should “let sleeping dogs lie” as it were.

Thanks to all who came forward with ideas and advice.

Bill VE3NH
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