[Amps] Henry 2KD-4 Blower Replacement

Bill Putney billp at wwpc.com
Sat Dec 27 16:40:25 EST 2014

I'm sure this has all been covered here in the past so, if you want to, 
you can reply offline.

I have a Henry 2KD-4 amp. It's in good shape except that the blower has 
gotten so noisy people complain about it on the air.

I took the bottom cover off the desk unit and it looks like there are 
nuts that hold the blower to the bottom of the PA deck. Do I really have 
to take the PA deck apart to get to the top of those screws or are they 

Henry has always been so good about their mechanical design that I can't 
believe they'd make something like a blower replacement something you'd 
have to take the whole amp apart for.

A follow up question, what have people been using for blower 
replacements these days. I'm looking for something that will fit, put 
out >30 CFM at 0.1 "-H2O, have ball bearings, and run at relatively low 
speed (I think Henry spec'd a 1600 RPM one) so it's quiet.

I'd pay some more for a quality blower that I will never have to replace 
again in my lifetime.

Thanks, Bill - WB6FRW

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