[Amps] QRO operation into a 80 meter vertical

donroden at hiwaay.net donroden at hiwaay.net
Thu Feb 20 18:43:15 EST 2014

Slightly OFF TOPIC , so respond direct please.

I have a 145 foot Rohn 45G with insulated guys, but grounded base in concrete.

no room for radials ... 33 feet at most over 60 degrees.

Tower is between hamshack ( house ) and garage
and concrete drive ( 300 degrees = no radials )

I would like to experiment with a ground independent (or less ground  
1/2 wave vertical radiator ..... a vertical dipole hung from 145 feet,  
maybe six feet from the tower face or leg.   Fed in the center or at  
the bottom.

Similar to a sloper, but closer to the tower.   Maybe connect the  
dipole to the top of the tower and feed it like a folded unipole  ??   
Open to all suggestions.

I'd love to hear how you constructed your high impedance tuners too.


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