[Amps] Working on my Darwin award

Bill Turner dezrat1242 at wildblue.net
Sat Feb 22 20:56:08 EST 2014

ORIGINAL MESSAGE:          (may be snipped)

On 2/22/2014 5:41 PM, Vic Rosenthal K2VCO wrote:
> Although I spotted the problem before it killed me, this wasn't cool. 
> It also proves that I need a more serious contactor for a HV relay! 


I would suggest bringing the HV up with a variac while monitoring line 
current and DC HV. That's always prudent no matter what you're working on.

High power variacs are expensive but it's a tiny fraction of what you 
have invested in ham radio, and you can always sell them for near what 
you paid.

73, Bill W6WRT

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