[Amps] CIRIS TA-201K

Alf Pousar alf.pousar at surffi.net
Wed Jan 15 07:23:37 EST 2014

Hello guys,

I need help on the subject, a VHF linear using 3CX800A7 for 1KW PEP output on ssb 144MHz. 
The linear looks fine, but I have no documentation nor schematic diagrams.

Do any of you know this thing, ever heard or seen a similar. It looks quite commercial, but at the same it appears to been done in a garage.

The design uses a TI PGA for timing and alarm controls, chip date early 90's.

So I only ask if someone knows this maker or even better, som detaild documentation.


Alf  OH2QM

PS  This is not mine, I promised to repair it.
The circuitboard is badly burned, so parts are gone up in smoke and the board is badly carbonized!

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