[Amps] Building an Amp 101

Richard Solomon dickw1ksz at gmail.com
Fri Jan 17 10:44:43 EST 2014

That should only take you about 20 years or so !!

73, Dick, W1KSZ

On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 8:43 AM, <mikflathead at aol.com> wrote:

> Become a Tool and Die maker. That is what I did..............
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jerry <jsternmd at att.net>
> To: Amps <Amps at contesting.com>
> Sent: Fri, Jan 17, 2014 10:10 am
> Subject: [Amps] Building an Amp 101
> I have had a long desire to build my own linear HF or VHF amp.  I believe I
> ave the electronic technical skills but after looking at some completed
> rojects like those on WD7S website, I realized I don't have the skills or
> ools to do a nice job on the mechanical aspects of chassis / sub-chassis
> heetmetal work.  I guess I could cram it all into an unattractive box
> ehind a reasonable looking front panel but is linear amp building mainly
> or those with good metal work capabilities?   How does one break into this
> ith limited workbench space other than an electronic workbench?
> erry
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