[Amps] Building an Amp 101

Chris Wilson chris at chriswilson.tv
Sun Jan 19 08:48:47 EST 2014

I think if you like the retro look building a vintage style amplifier,
outward appearance wise, can yield good results on a budget. Trying to
create something to rival a current mainstream "black box" would be
futile, Kenwood, Yaesu and the like can build in the quantities that
allow moulded plastic fascias, bespoke knobs and metering, blah blah.
one only has to look at a K3 to see where even a manufacturer of an
excellent transceiver who works in low volumes has to adopt a kit like
look. They plain couldn't afford the moulds and design costs that
someone turning out probably what, tens of thousands of identical
rigs, can?  It's the same with cars, before the big boys took over
Lamborghini. VAG would spend more developing the heating and air con
systems for a mainstream car than Lamborghini could on the whole car
Now Audi have them in their portfolio they have interiors with no self
tapper screw heads showing, screen apertures that are accurate enough
not to require expensive screen glass nibbling to fit, and all the
other benefits of a mainstream car giant's design house, production
line, and bank balance.

In my trade (race cars) much use is made of powder coating for low
volume finishes. Even a fairly heavily scratched fascia panel for a
home brew rig will respond to flatting down then powder coating, with
its much thicker skin depth. It's cheap, available in umpteen
colours, and in special finishes like a durable crackle, that can look
fabulous on a retro look rig.

Best regards,
 Chris                            mailto:chris at chriswilson.tv

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