[Amps] 4CX5000A in grounded-grid

donroden at hiwaay.net donroden at hiwaay.net
Tue Mar 18 14:22:12 EDT 2014

Quoting "Fuqua, Bill L" <wlfuqu00 at uky.edu>:

>   There was an article in QST, the first I believe, where 4x150A tubes were
> operated in grounded grid with both grids grounded. However, they were
> operated an reduce power.

I built a "30L-1 Copy" using a quad of 250bs with 2 watt 150 ohm  
carbon off the first grid of each tube.  The resistors looked good  
after two years and the amp was still putting out a KW when it sold.  
2000 at .8amps IIRC


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