[Amps] taking stuff to dayton

Don Allen w9cw at w9cw.com
Thu May 15 07:13:29 EDT 2014


Be prepared for a wet, and cool, Dayton.  It looks like rain Friday and 
Saturday, with Sunday the only good day.   Highs in the low to mid '60s 
and lows in the mid-40s Friday and Saturday.  I live in east central IL, 
and it's been cold and rainy here for the past couple of days (39 and 
wet this morning), and it's all moving east toward OH.  All this after 
highs in the low 90s earlier in the week.  Crazy Midwest wx...   I may 
stop by your space and take a look.

Don W9CW

On 5/14/2014 11:58 PM, Fuqua, Bill L wrote:
>    I am taking a ton of old transmitter and amplifier projects to dayton tomorrow.
> Also, a B&W 5100 with sideband adapter and B&W L1000A RF deck,
> a SX101A, HT32, SX111, HT 37 and loudenboomer.
>   Have a neat 2x 4-400A or 3-500z HB amplifier in rack built by engineering
> college students in 60's. And a neat HB transmitter with 813 final and 811 modulators.
>   And anything else I can
> think of that will not overload the van.
> Need to get this stuff out of my site do I will not be tempted to work in it.
> Have better projects to work on. May take some power tubes as well.
> 4-400A and 4-1000A tubes that have been checked.
>    I will be at 2905 or cell at 859-338-7805.
> 73
> Bill wa4lav
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