[Amps] AL80-B fuse F101 blown;step-startnot working?

Kim Elmore cw_de_n5op at sbcglobal.net
Fri Nov 28 15:31:46 EST 2014

In sure that the relay isn't stuck. They handle a fair bit of current and sometimes the contacts weld closed. 

Check all the components in the step-start circuit, too, to make sure they are all working as they are supposed to. For whatever reason, the relay is not changing state and removing the step-start resistor from being in serried with the transformer primary.

Kim N5OP

"People that make music together cannot be enemies, at least as long as the music lasts." -- Paul Hindemith

> On Nov 28, 2014, at 12:48, John DiLorenzo <john.dilorenzo33 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I acquired this amplifier about two weeks ago, and when I received it,
> neither theforward nor reflected power meters would indicate anything. As a
> "test", Ireplaced the detector diodes (D114 and D115) with 1N914s as these
> were diodes I had on hand.  My intent was to see if the meters would at
> least register something, and if so, order the correct diodes (1N34s).
> Well that worked,so I ordered the diodes.
> They arrived, so I replaced the 1N914s with the correct 1N34s.  With the
> unit all buttoned up again, I noticed while tuning up, the meter lamps
> would dim, and the HV would sag significantly.  I wanted to test and record
> some values when the amp shut down completely; this is what I had to that
> point:
>  HV
> (volts) Ig
> (mA) Ip
> (mA)  Standby 3050 0 0  Keyed, no drive 3050 0 0  CW, 5W drive 2700 20 125
> I discovered that F101 had blown in the amp.  This fuse is in series with
> the step start resistor, so it seems my step-start was staying in the "low
> current" mode, and when I keyed the amplifier, this 2A fuse blew as
> expected.  I'm just not sure what broke.  The diodes I replaced aren't near
> the rectifying diodes that pull the step-start relay.  Any insight into
> common failures, where to start looking, or how to debug?
> Thanks in advance,
> John, K8DIL
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