[Amps] IMD and spurious measurements

Vic Rosenthal 4X6GP/K2VCO k2vco.vic at gmail.com
Sat Aug 8 14:26:29 EDT 2015

I had a problem that a nearby 50 kW BC station was picked up by my 
vertical antenna, causing the diode TR switch in my K3 to conduct, and 
squirting junk all over my receiver. It didn't occur to me that it might 
also be messing up my transmitted signal!

Interestingly, I still heard it with a loop antenna connected to the 
K3's RX antenna input, because the vertical was re-radiating all of the 
crap that was being generated in the TR switch. So the loop picked it 
up. It went away when I listened on the loop and unplugged the vertical.

The BC RF was also making my SWR meter act weirdly, so I built a 1.5 kW 
highpass filter and put it right at the antenna. That keeps the BC RF 
out of all of my equipment, including the amplifier.

Vic, 4X6GP/K2VCO
Rehovot, Israel

On 8 Aug 2015 20:07, Manfred Mornhinweg wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been playing yesterday and today, measuring the signal purity of
> my station under many different conditions. The test equipment used is
> the one I described a few days ago: A DDS signal generator driving a
> mixer, which has a small piece of wire to pick up enough signal, and
> feeds into the computer's sound card, where I use FFT software (most of
> the time, Spectrum Lab by DL4YHF).
> As a signal generator I'm using a small battery-powered MP3 player, with
> a short piece of cable connecting its headphone output to the radio's
> mic input, via a suitable voltage divider. I put several test signal
> files into the player, the most useful of which is a dual tone signal
> with one tone at 734Hz and the other at 1734HZ. So I get a spacing of
> 1kHz, but to tones are non-harmonic, so they don't hide some kinds of
> spurs that harmonic tones would swamp. The test signal files were
> generated in software too.
> While I was characterizing the IMD performance of my TS-450 transceiver,
> before even switching on the amplifier, I found something that looked
> strange at first: In addition to the two tones, and the IMD products, I
> found additional spurs at exactly the carrier frequency, 1kHz above the
> carrier, and 2kHz above the carrier. The one 1kHz above the carrier was
> the strongest, only 16dB below the main tones! The one at 2kHz was much
> weaker, and the one at the carrier frequency was even weaker.
> To make a long detective story short: The "spur" at the carrier
> frequency was actually the carrier, suppressed about 50dB from the max
> output level. Not brilliant, but within specs. And the other two spurs
> were generated in this way: The two test tones, spaced 1kHz, generate a
> SSB envelope that is a severely distorted 1kHz signal. The current
> consumption of the radio is largely a function of the output envelope,
> so that the current from the power supply to the radio had a strong 1kHz
> component on it, plus its harmonics. This signal was feeding into the
> audio stages of the transmitter, and getting added to the two test
> tones! So its 1kHz and 2kHz components appeared at the radio's output,
> while the 3kHz and higher components were suppressed below detection
> level by the SSB filter.
> Most of this unwanted signal was getting in through my external DSP
> filter. That's an MFJ-784B, which is powered by the same power supply
> feeding the radio, and connects to the radio's speaker output, and to an
> external speaker. What happened here is a classical ground loop: Some of
> the 1kHz-modulated supply current to the radio was flowing over the
> ground wire from the power supply to the DSP filter, then on through the
> audio cable's shield, directly into the ground foil of the radio's IF
> board. Due to imperfect conductivity of that ground foil, a significant
> 1kHz audio voltage built up there and fed into the mic amp circuitry,
> which is on the same board.
> At least that's what I thought at first.
> When disconnecting the DSP filter from the power supply, the 1kHz and
> 2kHz components in the output get about 20dB weaker, but don't
> disappear. The same happens when unplugging the audio cable between the
> units. Obviously there is some coupling internal to the radio, making
> audio components in the supply current appear added to the modulation
> signal, although the main spur caused by this internal coupling is about
> 50dB down from the carrier, and within the SSB channel width, so it's
> not an issue.
> But I want to keep using the DSP filter.
> I tried using the front panel headphone output instead of the speaker
> output, to drive the DSP. It's only slightly better. Installing a short
> and thick bonding wire between the DSP's box and the radio's, produced
> only a slight improvement. Opening the ground return of the audio cable
> barely improved the situation, and made the speaker emit a strong 1kHz
> tone while transmitting. Cutting the negative side of the direct wire
> between the power supply and the DSP, so the DSP's negative return is
> only through the radio, didn't cause any change at all - the offending
> signal comes in over the positive supply wire and through filter caps
> just as readily as over the negative side!
> Running the DSP from a separate, ungrounded power supply works fine, but
> I don't like that. I hate wall warts! So it looks like I will have to
> find and install a nice audio transformer between the radio and the DSP.
> Or just live with the problem, anyway no fellow ham has ever reported
> it! ;-)
> Then I switched on the amplifier (NCL-2000), and played a little with
> it. Despite running the amplifier at very low idling current, much lower
> than the recommended one, the IMD performance is slightly better than
> when running without the amp. The reason: When driving the amp, I run
> the radio at only 30W output, and at that level the radio is extremely
> clean (IMD3 around 60dB down), and the amp adds a normal but not
> excessive amount of IMD. Instead when running without the amplifier, I
> usually run the radio at the 100W level, and there it's very dirty, with
> the IMD3 down only 24dB from each tone! And the higher IMD products,
> while successively lower, are still significant even up to the 9th and
> 11th!
> But now comes the most interesting discovery of the day, and the reason
> why I'm writing all this: Until here I was doing all tests into a dummy
> load, with my mixer's pickup antenna running along the coax to the load.
> I wanted to make sure that I'm getting no RF from the antenna into any
> place where it doesn't belong, so I switched to the antenna, found a
> clear spot in the upper portion of 40 meters, nestled amidst lots of
> strong broadcast signals, and made a test transmission. Suprise! My
> signal had more spurs installed on it, than a Christmas tree has stuff
> attached! And some of that stuff was even moving...
> It turns out that the whole mess of strong signals that is in the air
> gets fed from the antenna into the final stage, mixes with my
> transmitted signal, causing thousands of strong spurs, and all these get
> re-radiated!
> That's life, folks. Transmitter final stages are very big and powerful
> mixer stages, connected to antennas through only broadband filters.
> Except while driving a final stage deep into saturation, the trash
> generated by them from mixing external signals onto new frequencies is
> FAR stronger than their internally sourced IMD! It makes one wonder how
> much sense it makes to strive for -40dB IMD products in a lab's perfect
> dummy-loaded environment, if this won't cure the -20dB spurs caused by
> external signals as soon as a real antenna is connected!
> Comments, anyone? Do we have a case here for class A final stages, which
> should be a lot less prone to mixing external signals? Unfortunately I
> don't have any class-A radio at hand, to test this. It would be
> interesting if somebody who has one, could do the test, and compare how
> much external signal mixing happens in class A as compared to class B.
> Manfred
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