[Amps] Amp output power

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Sun Aug 23 21:25:38 EDT 2015

From: Kevin Stover <kevin.stover at mediacombb.net>
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] Amp output power

Going through the CPII datasheet for the 3CPX800 we see max plate 
voltage of 4500V so the tubes will handle the voltage. The tube still 
has the dainty 4W max dissipation grid so if you hit it with 3600V and 
100W you'll probably roast the tubes.

The non-pulse rated 3cx800 max ratings are 2250V plate voltage, 0.6 
plate amps. Typical operation at 2200V and 0.5A with 23W of drive will 
get you 750W AB2 output.

Command Technologies used to build a three hole 3cx800 amp for "export 

##  The 3 x hole version was rated for 3.5 kw pep out. 

Jim  VE7RF

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