[Amps] TV-7 D/U calibration around New England?

Gary Smith Gary at ka1j.com
Thu Dec 3 20:43:18 EST 2015


A bit OT - My stereo amp wouldn't start. Found it's frying fuses the 
second power is applied. No sign of problems the last time I ran it. 
No odor so probably not a cap but maybe a rectifier leg went bad. 
It's one year old with a 3 year warranty so I don't want to open it 
up. But maybe one of those new tubes I put in it that sounded so much 
better than the stock ones with their 90 day warranty failed and took 
something with it.

So to check that possibility, I broke out the TV-7 D/U that I bought 
maybe two weeks before I got laid up last spring & never got to test 
or use & gave it a dry run. All seemed OK but testing a KT88/6550, 
instead of getting minimum values like 44, it pinned the meter. Tried 
the other three KT88's and got the same results. Tried a 12AX7a and 
the value was double what it should be but at least it only went up 
half the meter instead of pinning it. Rechecked & all the settings 
were correct.

So I tried three old 60's Mullard KT88 that I know are good and 
instead of the 44 min, they ranged between 115 & the end of the scale 
to 120. OK, so they're weaker than the newer tubes but nowhere near 
spec. and I have no idea how good they are.

Looks like I need to get it calibrated. Can anyone suggest someone 
within driving distance from SE Connecticut that would be good for me 
to contact to get this done? I really don't have that many tubes I'll 
need to check but like today, I would like a working quality tester. 
And for what it's worth, I do have a handful of 40's & 50's radios to 
get working. 

Thanks & 73,


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