[Amps] 2M GS-35b Anode impedance

Steve Wright stevewrightnz at gmail.com
Mon Dec 21 21:31:43 EST 2015


I see a wide variation in anode volts on GS-35b designs.  The pattern 
seems to be lower Va on VHF, higher Va on HF.

A trend I see, is lower gain on lower Va (2200Va/10dB) and higher gain 

I'm building a 2M VHF amp with this tube, and I already have a 3650VDC 
supply that will deliver 1A.  I would VERY much like to dual-band this 
amp on 6M, if I could manage that.  There are a few publicly-available 
designs doing the dual-band trick.

Any insight?  I'm not foolish enough to think I know better than Drago 
et al, so I am reluctant to abandon the many recommended designs and 
depart from clearly stated numbers, especially exceeding Va by 50%

I only have 100W drive (TS-2000), so I would really like to be in a 
position to be able to (or have to) reduce drive for the safety of the 
amp or the power supply (or the coax lol), or at the very least not be 
in the opposite scenario with not enough drive and everything running 
stone cold.

Many thanks for your engagement.


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