[Amps] "need zener'

Chris Wilson chris at chriswilson.tv
Tue Feb 3 15:11:47 EST 2015

Hello Bill,

On Tuesday, February 3, 2015,  you wrote:

> Folks,

> I am amazed and gratified at the responses to my question.  I really 
> appreciate all the suggestions on a replacement circuit or device.

> I'll now have to decide which way to go, and that will depend on a 
> number of things.  One of which is room in the enclosure, as I have 
> stuffed a "soft keying" circuit in there to interface with modern rigs.

> Once completed, I'll post my comments on the Henry site so all can learn
> from my mistakes.

> Thanks again,

> Bill

Bill,  may I ask what and where the Henry site is please? I'm assuming
it's for Henry Radio fans? Thanks.

Best regards,
 Chris                            mailto:chris at chriswilson.tv

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