[Amps] D.C. on filaments of GS-35B?

Chris Wilson chris at chriswilson.tv
Wed Feb 4 06:27:17 EST 2015

Hello Nuno,

On Wednesday, February 4, 2015,  you wrote:

> Morning Chris,
> I know Dominic is using Vdc on the filament, so other guys in
> France are using those power supply or PC power supply to feed
> filament and relays , that's the reason that I was asking.
> Any special care when feeding with Vdc?

I  am not qualified to say, but would imagine so long as the supply is
conservatively  run  and  checked  for noise it should be fine. As you
say,  some  of  these low voltage very high current analogue supplies
are  expensive  to  build,  and  the  transformers  hard  to  come by,
especially here in the UK.

Best regards,
 Chris                            mailto:chris at chriswilson.tv

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