[Amps] Ameritron availability

Gerald Williamson via Amps amps at contesting.com
Wed Feb 25 12:54:33 EST 2015

Paul, this sounds like a case of having production capacity for maybe 20  
amplifiers per week and having orders for 30 amplifiers per week. I don't 
know  what the numbers actually are but you get the idea.
They just get further and further behind until the market pipeline is  
filled and orders become equal to or less than production capacity. The new  
ALS1306 in particular has been in high demand in recent months.
The manufacturer would be reluctant to spend capital to increase production 
 knowing that orders will eventually subside when the demand is satisfied.  
Sunspots and dx conditions have an effect as well..
Larger dealers can place orders big enough to absorb most of the production 
 knowing that they can cancel orders if demand drops. This helps keep 
prices  higher since the lesser funded competitors will not be able to play the 
game and  will have limited or even no availability.
Under this scenario, a new buyer can either pay a higher price at a larger  
dealer or wait for delivery at a lower price from a smaller dealer.
Gerald K5GW
GM Texas Towers
In a message dated 2/25/2015 8:54:22 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
elespe at lisco.com writes:

A good  friend ordered an ALS 1300 right after New Years (2015) and the 
delivery was  listed as first week February.
When that date passed he was advised it  would be March, then later 
upgraded to April and now they say in  May---maybe.

Ameritron blames “production difficulties”.  Does  that mean parts, or 
just can’t get them to work, or just can’t build them fast  enough?

Does anyone know what is going on there at Ameritron?  Is  this true for 
all products from them?  Anyone else have some experience  with them lately?

Paul  K0UYA
Amps mailing  list
Amps at contesting.com

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