[Amps] The genius of ham radio

Gary Smith Gary at ka1j.com
Mon Jan 12 14:21:59 EST 2015

I think the genius of ham radio is an individual expectation and 
other opinions often appear as a chimera. It's all in what you see 
the definition as fulfilling. 

Some people require absolute precision and the strict adherence to 
all things scientific. This is good because it allows repeatable 
expectations to become the expected and with this gift you have 
steady progress in technology. 

Other people gifted at communication skills and beautifully 
demonstrate the art and allure of ham radio; these people excel in 
interpersonal communication between individuals both on and off the 
radio. This is good because with this gift, friendships are bonded 
and they convey a pleasant attraction of newcomers to the hobby. 

To me, an example of a genius would be defined by my father W1BML, SK 
last year and licensed as a ham in 1937: Scored 100% correct on his 
IQ test, never went to college because of being brought up in a poor 
family during the depression & then came the demands of WWII. 
However, with only a High School degree he was the Principal Engineer 
at General Dynamics, Electric Boat division at retirement. He always 
and actively encouraged people to join Ham Radio and was a mentor to 
the many who sought his experience and counsel both on and off the 

Most of us, certainly not me, do not have the ability to do what he 
did, it takes a genius with foresight to do that. But we all 
hopefully share parts of that. When I hear "The Genius of Ham Radio" 
I think it takes many forms and just because one definition doesn't 
fit my particular idea of "Genius", if it entails discovery and a 
greater appreciation of the events around us, that to me is evidence 
of genius.

My two shekels.



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