[Amps] 5 Minutes for Ameritron 811H to warm up?
Kim Elmore
cw_de_n5op at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jan 23 21:25:55 EST 2015
Glass is simply a transparent ceramic. Well... More or less, anyway.
Nothing wrong with that as long as the limitations are respected.
Kim N5OP
On 1/23/2015 8:06 PM, Bill Turner wrote:
> ------------ ORIGINAL MESSAGE ------------(may be snipped)
> On Sat, 24 Jan 2015 10:40:33 +1030, Leigh wrote:
>> Consequently a matched pair or quad set of reputable brand vintage NOS 811A
>> / 572B tubes are worth their weight in gold....and highly sought after.
> It bothers me to see hams wasting their time and money on tubes made
> of glass. This is an obsolete technology which is of historical
> interest but really has no place with modern amateur radio.
> Ceramic tubes are far superior to glass, period. Yes, they are more
> expensive but so what? Good stuff costs more. Always has and always
> will.
> Please do yourself a favor. Save your nickels and dimes, get a second
> job, mow lawns or do whatever it takes but get something that works
> great and if not abused, lasts essentially forever.
> Ceramic is your friend.
> Bill W6WRT
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Kim Elmore, Ph.D. (Adj. Assoc. Prof., OU School of Meteorology, CCM, PP
SEL/MEL/Glider, N5OP, 2nd Class Radiotelegraph, GROL)
/"In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in
practice, there is." //– Attributed to many people; it’s so true that it
doesn’t matter who said it./
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