[Amps] push pull or parallel ?

KA4INM ka4inm at gmail.com
Mon Jan 26 11:02:22 EST 2015

   On 01/26/2015 10:41 AM, Carel, pc5m wrote:

> 160mtrs contest past and we need more power...  Plan is to add 3 dB by
> throwing in another tube  (2.5kw anode dissipation tetrode, grid driven).
> I could go for push-pull of just parallel the tube's. I think push-pull
> would be nice to get less even harmonics, but seems to be a big hassle and
> just put the tube's in parallel is much easier. Or am I missing something ?

   In my opinion push-pull class "B" amplifiers are the the most overall
efficient and stable type of amplifier.  The low idling current and
easy cross neutralization make common cathode operation very favorable.
   The disadvantage is the double tuned plate circuit, but the need for
the familiar plate RF choke is optional.  Band switching a P-P
amplifier is daunting, but for single band operation it is sweet.
   Using a loop of coax as the output coupling (in the center of the
center tapped plate coil reduces the harmonic emissions even further.
   Ron  KA4INM - Youvan's corollary:
                 Every action results in unwanted side effects.

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