[Amps] HV transformer and Variac

Steve Wright stevewrightnz at gmail.com
Tue Jul 21 15:00:20 EDT 2015

On 22/07/15 04:00, amps-request at contesting.com wrote:
> I ask because I have a perfectly fine 'pole pig' transformer rated at 5 
> KVA.  7200 AC volts on the output (reversed) is a bit much for my needs, 
> so was wondering what the trade-off would be if it were run at 
> considerably less than 220 input.
> I can see this is a better xformer for a 4cx10000, than anything I would 
> be using, but I have what I have.
Usually the transformer is the difficult part.  You can simply purchase
some tube, so build the easy part around the difficult part.

Buy that big tube. ;)


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