[Amps] Odd query....
Ed Stallman
ed.n5dg at gmail.com
Sat Jul 25 11:33:08 EDT 2015
When my Grandmother would fried chicken my Dad and uncles would dip
their home made bread in the skillet. I tried it, it was good
On 7/25/2015 3:21 AM, Roger (K8RI) wrote:
> Strange isn't it, that with those diets that heart attacks were rare.
> Now we have low fat, no fat, low cholesterol, what they deem healthy,
> yet we ate those foods which were the antithesis of of good for us yet
> were more healthy. What changed? Did we need all the radiation and
> risk from those bread board and unshielded circuits. Nah, my dad
> always ate that stuff although he got poked off the electric fence often.
> I never had high BP, or high cholesterol until I started working out
> and "eating right". I worked right next to open coil, induction
> heaters running a couple hundred KW. I did have a legal limit amp
> with no covers or shielding and survived although I never wore a neck
> chain while working on it, then had two strokes and one heart attack.
> A fib caused the strokes. Had I known that two weeks sooner it would
> have only been one stroke and I'd still be climbing towers.
> Never got hurt climbing towers. Did get knocked unconscious from an
> HT-44 PS though. I was on the work bench, woke up laying on the floor
> gasping for breath.
> Ham radio and diet. Don't think they are related, although I see a
> lot of hams that look like a walking heart attack looking for a place
> to happen and even with the change in foods, are hams as a group more
> prone to...<:-))
> It's still biscuits and gravy up here in the farm country.
> 73
> Roger (K8RI)
> On 7/25/2015 12:14 AM, donroden at hiwaay.net wrote:
>> Quoting "Roger (K8RI)" <k8ri at rogerhalstead.com>:
>>> Back on the farm, when I was young, it was lard, bacon grease, and
>>> fresh churned butter. Boiled dinners or steaks and potatoes
>>> smothered in a thick, rich gravy. Eggs fried, submerged in bacon
>>> grease for breakfast.
>> Mmmmmmmmmm....... You shonuff know how to make a country boy hungry,
>> Roger.
>> Martha White bis-kits { biscuits for yall north of the Mason Dixon }
>> and a fresh apple pie and a big glass of just pulled milk.
>> Don W4DNR
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