[Amps] LK500ZB

Hardy Landskov n7rt at cox.net
Thu Jun 4 23:18:47 EDT 2015

I have experienced much the same thing in all the amps I have used over the
When amps are new, they perform pretty much up to mfrs specs. A year or so
later they begin to go down hill.
73 Hardy N7RT

-----Original Message-----
From: Amps [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Paul Kraemer
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2015 6:55 PM
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: [Amps] LK500ZB

Is it typical for the output to drop from 750w on 80, 40, 20m to 650w on 15m
and 550w on 10m?

That is with about 50w of drive.  The input swr is 1.1 to 1.  Grid current
remains about 150ma or a little more

Paul K0UYA
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